Cardinal Virtue

Great Span

Earth and Water

Golden Fritillary II

Arachne, the Weaver

Two-Stripe Grasshopper

How Many Legs on a Spider? 5/5

Another View

How Many Legs on a Spider? 4/5

Crested Caracara

Sunset Walk

HMNS Sugarland Meet-up

Joint Fluid: Monosodium Urate Crystals

Big Ben Tavern (left side)

Complete Hydatidiform Mole

Complete Hydatidiform Mole

Big Ben Tavern (right side)

Brazos River Meanders

CSX and Tanks

Sugarland Marriott Town Square

View at the store

Brazos Bank

Infinitree II

Bright New Year

Central Unit Oak Trees 2

Central Unit Oak Trees 2M

Central Unit Oak Trees 3

Central Unit Oak Trees 3 Aged

In Booth, Texas: The abandoned Booth Public School and Auditorium.

Sandhill cranes

Cullinan Park

Spring in Colors

After the Storm

Waterworks @ Oyster Creek Park, Sugar Land , Texas

Who Needs a Lawn Mower?

A December day in Sugar Land #2

Sofie and baretrees - another one of my favorite combos...

Hiding in the Shadows

Hyde Park Road In Snow

Hwy 96 New Mexico No. 4

Rosenberg Thunderstorm 170810