View from La Recoleta

Plaza Pedro de Anzúrez

View from La Recoleta

View from La Recoleta

Saint Francis of Assisi Appearing before Pope Nicholas V, with Donors (La aparicion de San Francisco de Asis al Papa Nicolas V, con donantes) LACMA M.2008.85

Image from page 614 of "Transactions" (1871)

Nocturnal owl

Sucre - Las Siete Cascadas (tercer de siete)

Bus Window

Las Colinas de Sucre

Gentle Highlands

Sucre before Night

Chaco - East of Boyuibe, Bolivia

Sucre, Bolivia

Sucre, Bolivia

City of Sucre, Bolivia

Sucre, Bolivia

Sucre, Bolivia

City of Sucre, Bolivia

remolino (e.)

Sucre, Bolivia


Sucre, Bolivia

Sucre, Bolivia

Sucre, Bolivia

Sucre [bien cerca]

Represa de Culpina
