Ohio - Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historic Park

The Spot, but From The Air

Geep on Q Duty

What Once Was.


TrackHead Studios - So Much Sacrifice

'Led sled'

window view #4

Doolittle Raid Reunion B-25 Gathering

[Dayton View Bridge], Dayton, OH - 1913 Flood

Bumblebee 5

Globemaster III

The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

Going to be a Trail Someday

The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

o star of bethlehem

Dayton RTA #9853

205 Miles to Cleveland

ghost in the zone

It Sleeps Next To Me Nightly

Canada Geese at Dawn #2

More Boom!

Autumn on the River

Dawn #2

Lifesaving Muscle

Layers of Natural Reality

Sunrise on the Prairie

Bee Fly Hovering

Tall Grass in High Summer (Landscape)

Two For One

Foggy and Frozen

Different Fishing Methods

Dawn in the Clouds #1


Dayton's Morning Skyline

Putting In

Heartland of Ohio

First Snow

Ohio - Wegerzyn Gardens Park

After the Storm

American Kestrel