Before the changing sky

Eastern Amberwing (Perithemis tenera)

Red-shouldered Hawk - Buteo lineatus

Carpenter-mimic Leafcutter (Megachile xylocopoides) on Butterweed (Packera glabella)

Genista Broom Moth (Uresiphita reversalis) on Skyblue Lupine (Lupinus diffusus)

Thick-headed Fly (Physocephala floridana) on Butterweed (Packera glabella)

Carpenter-mimic Leafcutter (Megachile xylocopoides) on Butterweed (Packera glabella)

Wedge-shaped Beetle (Macrosiagon sayi) on Purple Thistle (Cirsium horridulum)

Six-spotted Fishing Spider (Dolomedes triton)

Flower Fly (Meromacrus acutus) on Coastalplain Willow (Salix caroliniana)

Southern Pink-striped Oakworm (Anisota virginiensis pellucida)

Orlando Wetlands Park - Sunrise

Orlando Wetlands Park

Tricolored Heron - Blue Heron Water Reclamation Facility and Wetland Area, Brevard Co, FL - Jan 19, 2016

Sandhill Crane - Fox Lake Park, Brevard Co, FL - Jan 23, 2016

Sandhill Crane - Fox Lake Park, Brevard Co, FL - Jan 23, 2016

Ibis Sunrise

Regal Darner (Coryphaeschna ingens)

Storm Coming

Six-spotted Fishing Spider (Dolomedes triton)

Great Egret

Waiting for sunrise at Lake Searcy

Clear and very calm

Cypress reflections

Sunrise by the river

Foggy morning 2

Sun Whispers

Wee hour winds whisk water and reeds in the wetlands

Orlando Wetlands Sunrise

Foggy morning 1

Swampy sunrise

Embrace the chaos

Straight road through the Southern Pine forest

Orlando Wetlands Sunrise 3

Orlando Wetlands Sunrise 2

Jurassic Park?

I wanna go parasailing (or whatever this is called). #amarofilter #florida #clouds #cloudporn #stjohnsriver #nature #naturelovers #igersorlando #iphonography #iphone5pics #iphonesia #iphone5 #sky #sunshinestate

Lonely Flower.jpg

Gray Hairstreak (Strymon melinus) on Tall Elephantsfoot (Elephantopus elatus)

Cypress and calm water

St. Johns River Panorama

Misty Marsh