sanford, freshly robed

Logging in Winter - Alaska

Snow cell over the mountains . . . Explored

Happy Memorial Day

Ahtna & Tanana Women Make Handcrafted Moosehide Slippers -- Like Women In Scotland Knit Wool Sweaters

Vivan Tyone Of Gulkana Made This Beadwork.

Tanana-Ahtna Region Birch Bark Baskets With Handles.

Modern Athabascan Indian Birchwork in the Ahtna-Tanana Region Near Chistochina, Alaska

Mildred Jonathan Crafted These Athabascan Leather Gloves With Traditional Beadwork. They're in Chistochina, Alaska at Posty's Trading Post.

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Red Eagle Lodge

Red Eagle Lodge

Red Eagle Lodge

Red Eagle Lodge around 2:30am

Red Eagle Lodge around 2:30am

Red Eagle Lodge around 2:30am

Alaskan flowers

Alaskan flowers

Alaskan flowers

Alaskan flowers