Sunset from the Roof Deck

when the clouds finally broke...

Colonial Views

Take Me To The River

Menemsha Sunset

dirt-colored seed bug nymph

Gay Head Lighthouse, Massachusetts

late day light

North View

Makers mark and this view.

An African Vineyard

Oak Bluffs, Martha's Vineyard, MA

Inkwell Beach - Martha's Vineyard

One for Daddy-O

Pensive Moments

Nobska Light - Cape Cod - Massachusetts

Nobska Light

Fisheye view of the gingerbread houses on Martha's Vineyard

fishing path

John Butler's Mudhole

Nobska Light TTV

2013-08-04 19.53.08

Martha's Vineyard would be my answer for a lot of "What's your favorite?" kind of questions.

Beautiful Evening Marjo's Way

Church St.

2013-08-04 19.53.09 HDR

2013-08-04 19.54.15

Bez názvu / Untitled

Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard

Gayhead Lighthouse Panorama III

Woods Hole 11

Wanna Come Too?

2013-08-04 19.54.23 HDR

Cloudy day on the Cape

Gayhead Lighthouse Panorama II

Lucy Vincent Beach

Anniquah Cliffs/ Bluffs - Martha's Vineyard

Colorful Cottage

Gay Head Lighthouse on Martha's Vineyard

Vineyard Light

Lambert's Cove Sunset

Savannah Sparrow