The Four Season Tree!

The view from my mother and fathers back poarch. Also the first shot with my new Galaxy Note 3. Uploaded using Verizon 4G LTE. #VZbuzz

Cloudy day view near Deer Lodge TN

The Road Not Taken

Obed Wild and Scenic River Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Lower Melton Mill Falls HDR

Lisa Rand's Onsighting Solstice

Obed Wild and Scenic River Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Obed Wild and Scenic River Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Obed Wild and Scenic River Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Obed Wild and Scenic River Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Obed Wild and Scenic River Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Obed Wild and Scenic River Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Obed Wild and Scenic River

Obed Wild and Scenic River Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Obed Wild and Scenic River Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Obed Wild and Scenic River

Hard .11b

Clear Creek Obed Wild and Scenic River HDR

Obed Wild and Scenic River Segment of the Cumberland Trail

Clear Creek Lilly Overlook HDR

Obed Wild and Scenic River Segment of the Cumberland Trail

the Obed River