The University Street I / Вулиця університитеська I

At the Turkish Bridge I

Jumping Spider Sitticus pubescens

The Dreamer

The Sister's Houses II / Будинок Сестер II

"Infancy" Heliophanus auratus

The University Street II / Вулиця університитеська II

The Morning Business

"Evolution damselfly" Coenagrion puella

"Zero gravity" Zygaena filipendulae

Neptis Sappho

"Nightfall" Grasshopper

Grasshopper in the light of sunset

Sympetrum vulgatum

Moth and Veronica chamaedrys flowers.

"Temporary ring" Maniola jurtina

The utopian view.

Crab spider

The University Street III / Вулиця університитеська III

Picnic with view #vsco #vscocam #vscostyle #chernivtsi #Czernowitz #чернiвцi #черновцы #vscochernivtsi #vscoua #cv #chernivtsi_city #igerschernivtsi #exploreeverything #createexploretakeover #liveauthentic #lifefolk #autumn #goexplore #wanderlust #explor

View from Avrora is my favorite!!! ❤ #vsco #vscocam #vscostyle #chernivtsi #Czernowitz #чернiвцi #черновцы #vscochernivtsi #vscoua #cv #chernivtsi_city #igerschernivtsi #exploreeverything #createexploretakeover #liveauthentic #lifefolk #autumn #goe

lone tombstone

"Fusion" Coenagrion hastulatum

About The Unseen / Про непобачене

Old City Roofs I

At The Philharmonic Square / На площі Філармонії

In Autumn all girls are photo models =)

The Enchantment

Persistent Memory

From Here To Eternity

under cover of night

The Cold April

Bukovina Style Building

Heliophanus cupreus

The One Who Waits [on Sunday]

Парковая зарисовка

The Morning Business

Days Without Internet

Центральний парк

Wider than ever


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