Big Falls

Owl's Head with a view of the lake

Knowlton, Québec

The view towards Sutton, QC from the point of view in Mont Sutton

Tempête en Estrie - 2007

View on the lake

The view towards Sutton, QC from the point of view in Mont Sutton

Mill Pond

Keep your eyes up for the best view.

The abbey clock tower over the lake

Leadville West Boundary East View

L'Abbaye de Saint-Benoît-du-Lac

St. Benedict Chapel

Chapel on a hill

Monastic Apples

Quel vue - What view

Stairs down from the Chapel

Corner of the Chapel

Benedictine Apples

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DSC_5355 (Copy)

St-Benoit-sur-le-Lac DRI Reedit [ Getty Images ]

~ BIG SKY little farm ~

a web of sunlight #2

a web of sunlight

spot light

winter sunlight reflection effect at dusk

a winter sun

sunlight between branches

some tree silhouettes, a blue sky & Sutton Mount

Le cycle des saisons/The cycle of seasons/El ciclo de las estaciones

Riviere Ruiter Brook, Quebec

Sunset over Lake Memphremagog, Quebec, Canada

the gathering

trees at dusk

Cretaceous period landscape

Rivière, toujours/The river, always/Elvan, fortfarande

Peace of mind.


serene winter landscape #4

Parc d'environnement naturel de Sutton