The blues of winter

L'Anse à l'Orme

Le Vieux Moulin 3

Autumn leaf

Le Vieux Moulin 4

Mountain View

Le Vieux Moulin

Light catchers (against a stormy sky)

St-Timothée de Valleyfield - Canicule / Heat wave

Sur le pont de l'Île-Cadieux.../ As viewed at Île-Cadieux bridge in Quebec

Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)

Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)

Les petits chalets en hiver... / Small cabins on the riverside...

Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)

Brouillard de la nuit

Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)

Clouds over Oka Park beach

Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric)

Fall's Close-Up View of Oka from Hudson (99/100x)

View from the ballast

Long view

fencing water

à perte de vue...

I see rainbows!


As above, so below~ #hudson #quebec #mirrorimage #stillwater #skyscape #beach #ottawariver #landscapephotography #nikon #wideangle #saturated #starseedzimages #blue

Autumn Colors


Winter Sunrise


Chute de la rivière St-Louis

Sunrise Through The Reeds

Chute de la Rivière St-Louis

Un épais brouillard...(argentique) / A thick fog... (film)


Le jour se lève.../ Morning is breaking...

191 of 365 - Lac Des Deux Montagnes

Along The Bridge

winter fence landscape

Arctic landscape ... lac of two mountains

Cimetière Saint-James Hudson