Apartment view

Eastern Box Turtle

Hipstamatic view

leet balcony

Waterford Lake View Prairieville La 70769

View across park of boomerang, loco-loco and the drop tower

Waterford Lake View Prairieville La 70769

Juban Parc Elemenary School View From Rosedale Avenue Denham Springs LA 70726 Juban Parc Subdivision

A tall OakTree stands with silk worms on it's bark while the blue cloudy sky drifts away in the sunny afternoon.

A view I have never seen before.

Eastern Screech-Owl

Sun finally!

Sun finally!

early morning mystery

Flight to Florida

Rain then sun and now it looks like rain again.

Highland Park

the tall grass

Spanish Lake

Alligator Bayou

Flight to Florida

just another Lazy-Anna day...

January 3, 2014 / Louisiana Sunset

January 3, 2014 / Houmas House

January 3, 2014 / Louisiana Sunset

BlueBayou Waterpark, Louisiana