Termite Mobile Diner

Lilies in the Water at Sunset

1954 Chevrolet Corvette

The Light

Hillsborough River Rapids

Tri Colored Heron Up Close And Personal

My very first picture to reach 1,000 views yippee!!

Orange Groves

Gray-green Clubtail (female)- Cypress Creek Preserve

Red-shouldered Hawk- Wesley Chapel, Florida

Skull the 2nd another view

St Leo Abbey Frontal View

My view from the hot tub #Clouds #LittleRain #MyLifeDoesntSuck

St. Leo Abbey Chapel

My view... #ipad #apple #lifeproof #LetItRainOnMe #floridalife #PolarVortex

Lake Jovita view from St Leo University

Pumpkin patch tent 1

My view.

Hillsborough River Rapids

Crystal Springs Preserve

Hillsborough River Rapids

Cypress trees on the flooded river bank

A good night for haunting.

Bell Tower

After the Rains 2

Union Park Bridge Shoot

Union Park Bridge Shoot

Hillsborough River State Park - River Trail Rapids


Thanksgiving Sunset

Union Park Bridge Shoot

Union Park Bridge Shoot

Hillsborough River


sous la pluie battante...

My Life Through a Lens ~ Book 2 | 61/365 - "Crossing" (Alternate)

Suspension Bridge

A Wolf's Cry in the Night

sérénité sous la pluie battante

Light in the Forest

Deep in the Forest: Green Moss-Covered Lake

The Tree Spirit