Cypress at sunset

Sunset, Southern Missouri 1

Sunrise over Bumgard Island

Sunset at Delaney Lake

A Barge Passes

Cargil Elevator Downstream Beyond Bumgard Island

UM 029.2 Anchorage

Missouri 2012

Cattle Sketch

Hoarfrost Tree

Missouri 2012

roadtrip: boomland MO

'Out in Left Field'..... One difference between a student and a teacher is the student is willing to learn, whereas too many teachers are not willing to be taught anymore.

'Playing With Tractors 2'... Shiloh snooped and found my boyhood John Deere and Allis-Chalmers toy tractors (over 50 years old and made out of heavy metal). He took an immediate liking to them and instantly knew how to attach the accessories as if he had

'River of Life'... Serene peace along a waterway used to quench the thirst of the field beasts... and any other animal or fowl who happens to pass by. What would this world be without such calm rivers of life?