Lifer #53

a White-throated Gem

Craning...his Neck

Dragonfly Dreams

a Sandhill Crane

Marsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris)

365/19 - The Giving Tree

flower longhorn (Typocerus)

"Black" Brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) - Pennsylvania

Sandhill Crane (Antigone canadensis)

common sawfly (Phymatocera)

robber fly (Cerotainia)

Broad-winged Tree Cricket (Oecanthus latipennis)

Brown Pelican (Atlantic), Nockamixon SP - Marina, Bucks County, PA, Sony HX400V, Aug 9, 2018

White-throated Sparrow x Dark-eyed Junco - Pennsylvania

leaf blotch miner moth (Phyllocnistis)

flower longhorn (Typocerus)

robber fly (Cerotainia)

jumping spider (Phidippus princeps/pius)

small-headed fly (Acrocera)

Stover Myers Mill

Reflections at Lake Galena

Fonthill Gate

Cornish Coast

Very clear spirit face in that cloud...I actually got chills up my spine when I connected to it -- it was smiling lol

Nelson's Sparrow (Ammospiza nelsoni)

Abandoned house in the woods

Unami Creek Bridge-2624.jpg

Barn and farmhouse

Outflow area behind the Lake Nockamixon dam

sunset on Lake Galena

Lake Nockamixon

Lake Galena, Peace Valley Park,

Lake Nockamixon


Lake Nockamixon

Fall foliage [ Drone ] - Peace Valley Park

Lake Nockamixon

2013 January 13 Peace Valley fog-9

Backside of Lake Nockamixon Dam

Bucks Farm