~~ Falls#04 ~~

~~ Sassenage waterfalls # 4 ~~

~~ Falls#02 ~~

Road trip to Charmant-Som

Vous vous rappelez ? Autrefois, Pâques, c'était au printemps… Do you remember ? Formerly, Easter took place in spring…

The Weather Storm is coming

View on Grenoble and the Mountains

Riding high in the sky

View on Quai Xavier Jouvin

Autumnal Poetry (Vertorama)

Le Massif de la Chartreuse et le village de St Nazaire-les-Eymes dans la vallée du Grésivaudan, Isère, Rhône-Alpes, France.

Grenoble from the top

Shining Moon

Midnight sun

Misty Morning

Brume matinale

Passerelle Saint-Laurent

Ride the lightning

Grenoble 2012-08-16 - Image 7

panoramic view on the city of Grenoble

Blue Skies Over Grenoble