The River Marne, in Mézy Moulins, at the heart of Champagne

Roman Church in Champagne

Back to the future...

View of the Damage in Town of Belleau - 2éme bataille de la Marne (photo VestPocket Kodak Marius Vasse 1891-1987)

Chateau Thierry US Memorial

Closer view of memorial for Battle of Montmirail

Château-Thierry American Monument

SNCF 427084 @ Fossoy

SNCF 427084 @ Fossoy

SNCF 115004 @ Fossoy

SNCF 115012 @ Fossoy

SNCF 115063 @ Blesmes

15004 & TER 839104 vers Fossoy

Picnic by the Marne

SNCF 427048 @ Fossoy

Battle of Château-Thierry Monument

SNCF 115002 @ Fossoy

SNCF 115063 @ Fossoy

country life is wonderful

#road #landscape #lonelyness #nature