GREAT SAPPHIREWING (hummingbird) MALE Pterophanes cyanopterus Hovering at Yanacocha in Northwestern ECUADOR. Hummingbird Photo by Peter Wendelken.

Stairway of Monastery of San Francisco and San Francisco Plaza - Quito (Explored)

Quito desde el Teleferico

Monastery window

Centro Historico

Panorama of The Basilica del Voto Nacional (Nave), Quito Ecuador

Panecillo en el Centro de Quito

RUFOUS ANTPITTA Grallaria rufula on a Bright Morning in the Yanacocha Reserve in Northwestern ECUADOR. Antpitta Photo by Peter Wendelken.

Quito colonial & Panecillo at night

Quito by Night

View of Quito

Rucu Pichincha 4696m

SPARKLING VIOLETEAR (hummingbird) MALE Colibri coruscans Close Up, Front View, Quito, ECUADOR. Photo by Peter Wendelken

SCARLET-BELLIED MOUNTAIN TANAGER Anisognathus igniventris Feeding on Gunnera Fruit at Yanacocha in Northwestern ECUADOR. Mountain-Tanager Photo by Peter Wendelken.

Top view of Monastery of Agustina Nuns (Explored !)

Streets of Lava

The Church of Santo Domingo (Interior) in Quito, Ecuador

GREAT SAPPHIREWING MALE (hummingbird) Pterophanes cyanopterus. Yanacocha Reserve on Volcán Pichincha in ECUADOR. Hummingbird Photo by Peter Wendelken.

Grid of Quito

SWORD-BILLED HUMMINGBIRD FEMALE Ensifera ensifera Perching at Yanacocha in Northwestern ECUADOR. Hummingbird Photo by Peter Wendelken.

TAWNY ANTPITTA Grallaria quitensis Conducting the Orchestra at the Yanacocha Reserve in Northwestern ECUADOR. Antpitta Photo by Peter Wendelken.

Pululahua Geobotanical ReservePululahua

Quito up in the mountains

Teleferiqo Quito

20140322 Quito, Ecuador 005

Parque Guapulo

Quito! #quito #hothothot #godscreation #amazing

Pichincha Vulcano

Panorama historic center of Quito

0785 Pano - Quito, Ecuador

Rainbow hits Quito - Ecuador

Sunset in Quito

20131008 Quito, Ecuador 002

Rucu Pichincha Hike

Highlands of the Andes

Old town of Quito.

0497 - Pano - Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve, Quito Canton, Ecuador

Quito view from the Pichincha volcano

Crater del Pululahua, Ecuador

Hole 5 @golfcommunities

Quito from above