My Grandma's House in 1950

2013-10a Facing the Asian Conical Hat (13)

"Politics & Business are incestual in Malaysia," - Datuk Paddy Bowie to Lin Xueling (Channel News Asia Interview)

Habitat Destruction

2014-01a Having Fun with Cheerful Women (11)

2013-10c Roaming Deforested Kalimantan (06)

2013-10c Roaming Deforested Kalimantan (05)

2013-06b Putting Up the Umbrella (05)

Borneo - Animistic Art - 1

Borneo - Dayak Woman - 2

Borneo - Dayak People - 1

Borneo - Sabah - Mount Kinabalu - View From Summit At 4095 m - 4

The Dance

Kahayan bridge

Aerial view of oil palm plantations, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

2011-07a Peering Below the Helmet (06)

Camping on Halau-Halau, Meratus Mountains, Kalimantan, Indonesia

Sunset view on Sekonyer River, TN Tanjung Puting, Central Borneo - Indonesia

Diospyros sumatrana Miq., Pl. Jungh.

Diospyros sumatrana Miq., Pl. Jungh.

Diospyros sumatrana Miq., Pl. Jungh.


Indonesian Community Assisted by REDD+ Proramme to Stem Deforestation

Bright Sunny day outside :)

Cruising at Tanjung Puting National Park

Tanjung Puting NP, Borneo, Indonesia

Soils And Agriculture Of Lowland Swamp Of Kalimantan = カリマンタン低湿地の土壌と農業

Tanjung Puting NP, Borneo, Indonesia

Cruising on a Borneo River: a mirage

greetings from bali

Sleeping On The Klotok

Camp Leakey Lunch 18

Sunset of Borneo Indonesia.

sungai kahayan2

Camp Leakey Lunch 16

In depth research_08

Taboneo anchorage


Op de terugweg van camp leakey toch een fikse regenbui verwerkt.

Tanjung Puting National Park

pulang gawe slalu lewat sini ...pemandanganNya wow pokokNya ...ilang sudah rasa capek #Mobilephotography
