Birdbath on stone wall

Waterloo, IA Newtown's Jewelers Sign

Grace Methodist

Moonrise before sunrise

Hotel Police


View from Greenwood Cemetery

Hot Ginger Thai

Willoughby Tower, Snowy Roofs

Flowers & Peppers Saved from the Frost

Willoughby House Tower, Snowy Morning

Snow Covered Roof

Snow Covered Car

Interactive Vietnam War Timeline Exhibit

Vietnam Timeline Exhibit

Dunsmore House view from East

west Waterloo November 1983

200 block of Vine Street Waterloo, Iowa


200 block of Vine Street Waterloo, Iowa 1967-8

Anderson house rear Waterloo, Iowa

Watering Can & Zinnias

Autumnal Clematis along the Back Fence

Courting Swing, Aloe in Urns, Ink

Courting Swing, Aloe and Marigolds

Watering Can by the Garage

Arbor Vita Next to House on Clay Street

Algae on the pond–Washington Park

Cedar River, Rising

Eighteenth Street Bridge, Waterloo Iowa

Tire tracks in snow

Maples on the boulevard

Screened Porch from Outside, Flowers on Table

Bucket on the Patio

Sky & trees from upstairs

Chartreuse on 3rd Street

My garden in June

Boarded up building near the trailer park

Fall Fiesta Maple from my window

Snow on pumpkins

Smoketree 11th & Walnut