So Last Century

227:365 - Frame YOUR View

The view from the Cedar Trail

Landing Gear Up!

Real-Photo Postcard of Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Tuti Fruity Sky

Endless Metal Waves

View from 1st Ave bridge East

World Theatre ~ Cedar Rapids, IA

January 30th

Illinois Central Freight House, Cedar Rapids, IA. 6/2000.


Northbound I-380 exit 19A

Now from a new view!

Collapsed Railroad Bridge

View from 1st Ave bridge West

Flooded Cedar Rapids

Cedar Rapids at Night. RAGBRAI XL.

Flood of '08-39

5-in-1 Bridge lower level (2)

CRST school CRIA

Benjamin is on the far right of the driving range getting ready for the 1st round of the 2015 Iowa State High School Golf Tournament. #muskienation #elmcrestgolf @elmcrestcc

102:365 - Favorite Color

228:365 - A Photo Break


Sunset in pink

Lake Side Lens Flare

Stopping to enjoy this view.

Stars over the Cedar River

Sunburst Honeylocust. #bark

The sun ducks behind the clouds

The cloudy lake

Across a sea of corn

The meadow (normal exposure)

Blue Steel took a picture!

The meadow (in HDR)

Noelridge Park

Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Quaker Oats, Cedar Lake, Railroad Bridge

Feeling Oaty

17:365 - Quiet

Turkey Vultures

rolling clouds