Garden Spider Lit from behind by the sunshine

K32P1189c Marbled White, Devil's Dyke, June 2020

K32P0919c Marble White, Devil's Dyke (Cambs), June 2020

K32P0914c Marbled White, Devil's Dyke (Cambs), June 2020

K32P1382c Marbled White, Devils' Dyke (Cambs), June 2020

IMGP8873aa Chalkhill Blue, Devil's Dyke (Cambs), July 2020

K32P6438aa Short-eared Owl, Burwell Fen, December 2019

IMGP1622c Brown Argus (view large for detail), Devil's Dyke, Cambridgeshire, June 2018

K32P1133c Marbled White, Devil's Dyke (Cambs), June 2020

Spoiled for choice

IMGP7407c Brown Argus, Devil's Dyke (Cambs), July 2020

IMGP8919c Chalkhill Blue, Devil's Dyke (Cambs), July 2020

IMGP7894c Chalkhill Blue, Devil's Dyke (Cambs), July 2020

IMGP6975c Common Blue, Devils Dyke, July 2020

IMGP7440aa Small Skipper, Devil's Dyke (Cambs), July 2020

Silver Lady

IMGP3835c Marbled White, Devil's Dyke (Cambs), June 2020

Lower Park Street, Cambridge - Explored

K32P2623c Painted Lady, Bar Hill, Augus t2019

Cold Steel

K32P2265a1 Short-eared Owl, Burwell Fen, December 2018

Over Windmill-01

Path through the wheat

Fall into Autumn

Pleasant afternoon on The Cam

Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory

Forever Friends

All is quiet

Prolific Poppies

Anglesey Abbey-047

Little Trees Hill Magog Downs Cambridge 2016

Dusk on a Winter Day

The Coming Of Days

Kings College And Chapel Cambridge,

Punting at Sunset on River Cam

Reeds - Sky - Cloud

Memories of last summer

Kings College And Chapel In B&W

Bridges on River Cam, Cambridge

The House of Treasure...

Bright, Blue Friday

Granta Place, Summer day