Rock in water of colours - Roca en agua de colores- My photo n º 100 in Flickr - Dedicated to my Flickr friends!

When God is the painter! II (Explored)

When God is the painter! (Explored)

Cathedral Cove

HERE'S LOOKING AT YOU--with scepticism I think!

closed curtain - as part of a reportage 6

Iran: A land of stunning natural beauty

Série com o Coliseu - IMG_1285

Dawn Above the Cloud Sea

Night Baku

Beautiful Mount Damavand view from the airplane, Iran 飛行機から見たダマーヴァンド山

ANAGA-TENERIFE/ Tunel en el bosque de lauresilva/Tunnel in the forest of lauresilva

Baame Sabz Lahijan

Damavand's sunset : غروب دما وند

Sterna Caspia

Footprints on wet sand

Série com o Coliseu - IMG_1079

Tea Fields Lahijan

Caspian view

From the seashells' view

Image from page 216 of "Decorative textiles; an illustrated book on coverings for furniture, walls and floors, including damasks, brocades and velvets, tapestries, laces, embroideries, chintzes, cretones, drapery and furniture trimmings, wall papers, carp


North Of Iran


mer Caspienne

Desolation Sunset

Winter at Lake Huron

Sundown lamp up


La mer

Gloaming Sense

Mer Caspienne

Darkness gotta give in!

Salt forming at the lower reaches of Deadsea -snapped through window of a moving coach


Sunrise at Chilka Lake

Caspian sunset

Sunrise at Chilka Lake

Caspian Sea

The Caspian Sea Lagoon

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