Juicy Fall colors~EXPLORE #401
Reflections through the trees~EXPLORE #99
The Beautiful Boardwalk~EXPLORE #73
Sunset in an Icicle
All the leaves are down~~ Wrong!~EXPLORE # 410
Curving Boardwalk~EXPLORE # 146
Textured Crocusmia
Another Special Visitor~Pine Grosbeak
Robertville Church
Going back a few weeks~EXPLORE #198
Rose Leaves and Hips~EXPLORE #490
Mugo Pine
Hiding in the grass
Blushing Leaves
Living in the water
Rugged and moss spotted~EXPLORE #258
Lost and Found
Peering into the depths of the forest
Spring view - Vue printanière
Water or Ice?
A hint of things to come
In the stillness there is beauty
Hadley Falls
Beresford Beach View(1) - Vu de la plage de Beresford(1)
The end of winter - La fin de l'hiver
The beach today - La plage aujourd'hui
Sunset after a storm that left us 30 cms of snow - Coucher de soleil après une tempête qui à laissé 30 cms de neige
Beresford beach - Plage de Beresford
Beresford beach seen from the observation tower - La plage de Beresford vue de la tour d'observation
Pabineau Falls-1 - Chutes Pabineau-1
Grant's brook - Ruisseau Grant
Evening Bliss
MSJ Moon
Sunset on the beautiful Bay of Chaleur
Roots - Racines
Pabineau Falls on May-12, 2012 - Chutes Pabineau le 12 mai, 2012
Little path at Daly Point - Petit sentier à la Pointe Daly
20150811 Common Branded Skipper, Carron Pt. Bathurst
20150811 Salt Marsh Copper, Beresford Salt Marsh 2
Blue sunset - Coucher de soleil bleu
Polar bear floating in the Bay on his back - Un ours polaire qui flotte sur le dos dans la baie..
20150811 Salt Marsh Copper, Beresford Salt Marsh