United Colors of Benetton ??

The Night Approaches

After a Long Day

Moon meets Venus on Earth Day

Wet ?

Torre Arcos II

It will be a good day!

Torre Arcos I

Happy Valentine's Day


Gotitas en flor

La Clásica

And Then There Was Light!

Clouds over the corporations

A Colorful Evening

Mimetismo con el cielo

happy birthday with good friends and a great view… =) #climbing

Take My Breath Away!

New Year in Mexico City

Mexico City

Amaneceres, cúmulos y espirales

The Fact that Earth is Heaven

Breaking Dawn

Red Dawn


In the woods

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Entre los cerros...

The "Iztaccíhuatl" from Mexico City

Febrero ...

Tonos de verde

Arco iris entre las rocas / Rainbow between rocks


Mi Cuajinarnia ❤️

#sun #sky #sunset #scenery #bluesky #niceweather #lamarquesa #december #nofilter #photography

Escape into the wild

Nice sky.

invierno en el ajusco

Woods (Sesión de fotos dirigida por @michellebres)

Moviéndonos como bumerán.

The #LouvreMuseum #Paris #France where I spoke to the #MonaLisa hung out with #wingedvictoryofSamothrace and lunch with #VenusdeMilo. #AVgeek #wanderlust #travelgrind