the pastel sunset

enjoy the view

208/365 - port warwick

A prickly situation

Mowing the Cities Lawn

taking some time off


(14/52) Handshake by Gunther Stilling

Beautiful view of #CNU at #night #newportNews #my7cities #christophernewportuniversity

Taking Care of Business

One of the best shots I have seen of the Monitor-Merricack Bridge Tunnel ("the M&M"). It was built on the spot that the two ironclad warships fought in the Civil War. This view is looking back to Newport News. I'm usually on it several times per week.

Handshake by Gunther Stilling

Solitary Sandpiper and Lesser Yellowlegs

Solitary Sandpiper

Birds Eye View

James River Sunset

Double-crested Cormorant

hampton roads convention center and embassy suites hotel

Black-and-white Warbler

Porch Pooch

Northern Rough-winged Swallows

Pagan River (Smithfield,Va)

Lions Gate May 31 2017-1

Sandy Bottom Park

Sunset at Riverside Pier April 7 2017-4

Between the Lines

Red-spotted Purple Butterfly

Leave Me Be


Sunset over the James River.

Sunset at Riverside Pier April 7 2017-6

Crystal Lake at Sandy Bottom Nature Park

Huntington Beach Sunset

Good Morning, indeed.

Under the Pier


Snow Day

Good Morning

Lake Maury

Crystal Lake at Sandy Bottom Nature Park