Ohio - Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historic Park

The Spot, but From The Air

Geep on Q Duty


TrackHead Studios - So Much Sacrifice

window view #4

[Dayton View Bridge], Dayton, OH - 1913 Flood

Going to be a Trail Someday

Dayton RTA #9853

205 Miles to Cleveland

ghost in the zone

Late Saturday Afternoon in Dayton

Sunlight Pine

Poetry of Persistence

Growing Weeds

Back Off

East First Street

Dayton 06-2019 3 - South Main Street View From Ceowne Plaza Hotel

Passing Train

Power Station

In a Laundromat Dimly Lit

Canada Geese at Dawn #2

Autumn on the River

Dawn #2

Lifesaving Muscle

Bee Fly Hovering

Foggy and Frozen

Different Fishing Methods

Dawn in the Clouds #1

Ohio Spring: Visual Therapy

Dayton's Morning Skyline

Putting In

Ohio - Wegerzyn Gardens Park

After the Storm

The Apple Street Floodgate

Foggy and Frozen

Foggy and Frozen

"Didn't Y'all Hear Them 'Splosions Last Night?"

Grant Park

After the fire on E. Fourth

Sunset at the Apple Street Floodgate

St. Mary's Institute Steps in St. Mary's Hall #stmaryshall #ud #udayton #universityofdayton #steps #campus #building #Dayton