Evening Rush Hour

Kind Of Reminds Me Of The Closing Scene From Top Gun

MAGTF Demo #105 (A Big Boom)

camp seagull water view

Trio Of Banshees

Roid's Ride

Oriental Sunset

Moving Out

Last Wail Of The Banshee

Tairngreacht Bas

Evening Launch

The Squad Car


Horse Power

Who Parked Those Damn Jets In The Way!

Water front on the Neuse around 7:00am - 6-30-2007 looking west DSC04685

Prowling Banshee

The Sun Sets On The Banshees

My view from the "chalet."

Water front on the Neuse around 7:00am - 6-30-2007 DSC04681

The Hunter In My Sites

Croatan National Forrest. #CroatanNationalForrest #hiking #northcarolina #forrest #iphonephotography #iphone5s

Nightime Boat Docks 2227

Last Sunrise

Sunrise seats

Oriental NC

Waterfront on the Neuse around 7:00am - 6-29-2007 looking west DSC04706

New Day

Waterfront on the Neuse around 7:00am - 6-30-2007 looking west DSC04703

Water front on the Neuse around 7:00am - 6-30-2007 DSC04658

Water front on the Neuse around 7:00am - 6-30-2007 DSC04644

IMAG0065 (Medium)

Waterfront on the Neuse around 7:00am - 6-30-2007 looking west DSC04707

Waterfront on the Neuse around 7:00am - 6-30-2007 looking west DSC04705

neuse river 2

IMAG0068 (Medium)

Waterfront on the Neuse around 7:00am - 6-30-2007 looking west DSC04697

Roadside | Abandoned. Left to rot #abandoned #easternnc

04 Sky Pine Cliff Nuesiok Trail MST Croatan NF 9865

Sweet corn production at Open Grounds Farm in eastern North Carolina (1)

Peaceful sunset