Walking on the crosswalk

My favourite bookshop

Boy in black walking in the fog

The Fantastic Four

Woman walking alone in the park

This site is under construction, please visit us later ...

Lost in the fog

Ground level

Ground level

Autumn in the park

Woman with a white umbrella

Empty bench

The cyclist in the fog

"Walking by himself"

Autumn in the park

Raindrops on my car window

Power line. Really??

The bench

Misty morning

Long tree shadows

Dying window

189- La Bèstia

144 - Lleida

Misty morning

La Seu Vella / The old cathedral of Lleida

La timoneda per primavera / Spring thyme field

Això no és una simetria

Swallowtail ( Papilio machaon )

Relaxing view of the pier

135 - La Bèstia

Swallowtail ( Papilio machaon )

Segre River IV

Destí 8 Km.

Frost Island

Under the mist

A tot pulmó / Singing bunting

Segre River VI

Floració 3

Pollo de Pájaro-moscón europeo (Remiz pendulinus) (11)

Baños de luz al atardecer

El atardecer perfecto... y yo en casa

Entre el cielo y la tierra.