Otra vista del histórico (y declarado como patrimonio) Castillo del Moro, Barrio Amón av. 13, c. 3/ Another view of the historic (and heritage-gazeted) "Castle of the Moor", Amón neighborhood 13th av., 3rd st.

Misma vista, diferente amanecer/ Same view, different sunrise

Otra vista de La Sabana al atardecer/ Another view from La Sabana metropolitan park, at almost sunset

Social Flycatcher (Myiozetetes similis)

Otra vista de la bay window del Castillo del Moro al amanecer av. 13, c. 3/ Another view of the bay window from the Castillo del Moro historic house at sunrise 13th av., 3rd st.

Otra vista de atardecer en el parque metropolitano La Sabana/ Another view from a sunset at La Sabana Metropolitan Park

Otra vista del lago de La Sabana al atardecer/ Another view from La Sabana Metropolitan Park lake at dusk

Vista hacia la Casa Amarilla y el edificio del INS av. 7a, c. 13-15/ View towards the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the public National Insurance Institute 7a av., 13th-15 st.

Apartamentos Interamericanos: vista lateral av.7-7a, c.15/ Interamerican apartments bldg.: side view 7th-7a av., 15th st.

Otra vista del edificio antiguo en avenida 3, con el edificio Art Déco de Uribe & Pagés a la par av. 3, c. 3-5/ Another view of the old building at 3rd av., with the former Uribe & Pagés Art Déco warehouse next to it 3rd av., 3rd-5th st.

Pura Vida

San Jose view from National Museum of Costa Rica


Vista en barrio Amón av.11, c. 7-9; View in Amón neighborhood 11th ave., 7th-9th str.

Vista de la Plaza de la Cultura y del Teatro Nacional av. 0, c.3/ View of the Culture Square and the National Theater 0 av., 3rd st.

Same view, different light

Y...otra vista de los apartamentos Jiménez, pero con mejor luz av.7, c.13-15/ And...another view from the Jiménez apartment building, but with a better light quality 7th ave., 13th-15th str.

Taking a Dip

Vista al Instituto Nacional de Seguros av.5-7, c.9/ View towards the National Insurance Company hqs. 5th-7th av., 9th st.

Exterior del Paraninfo, Escuela Buenaventura Corrales av.5-7, c.9/ External view of the Auditorium, Buenaventura Corrales elementary school 5th-7th av., 9th st.

Otra vista del histórico edificio donde tuvo su sede la empresa de Adela Gargollo Freer vda. de Jiménez, magnate de la construcción de la primera mitad del siglo XX av. 1, c. 10/ Another view of the historic building where was housed the company of Adela

Parque Rincòn de la Vieja, Costa Rica

Atardecer en el parque metropolitano La Sabana/ A sunset in La Sabana Metropolitan Park

Poas Volcano Costa Rica

Avianca ATR72 TG-TRE

Lago de La Sabana al atardecer/ La Sabana metropolitan park lake at dusk

Atardecer en Heredia

Paisaje con arcoris 1/ Landscape with Rainbow 1

Un amanecer/ A sunrise

Amanecer, agosto del 2016/ Sunrise, August, 2016

El pueblo de Loma Larga, desde la lejanía/The town of Loma Larga, from afar

Llegando a El Salvador

The Lake at La Sabana


Una casa y un paisaje/ A house and a landscape

JetBlue A320-232 N627JB

Hoy mi rana decidió darse un baño aprovechando la tarde navideña tan bonita. #macro_perfection #rana #toys

Sit & Wait


Crested Bobwhite

house on a hill