SteelStacks, Bethlehem Steel, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania


Leased N&W F7 eastbound on CNJ, snowy day in March 1970

metallic wood-boring beetle (Acmaeodera tubulus)

The Behemoth

A Matter of Perspective

DSC_4693 - Steel Behemoth

The Coke

Sandhill Crane (Antigone canadensis)

Lilac Borer (Podosesia syringae)

robber fly (Cerotainia)

Broad-winged Tree Cricket (Oecanthus latipennis)

Brown Pelican (Atlantic), Nockamixon SP - Marina, Bucks County, PA, Sony HX400V, Aug 9, 2018

Ed Madden Funeral Home, Bethlehem, PA, 2003


Weierbach Undertaking Company, Bethlehem, PA, 1898-1941

Opposite Main Meet

Steel Stacks and SD40-2s

H76 Returns

Ready for the Holidays

Allentown, PA

Death of an Industry

Lake Nockamixon

Lake Nockamixon

Lake Nockamixon

Lost River Caverns - wall 3

No. It's not my driveway.

Outflow area behind the Lake Nockamixon dam

Delaware at Durham

Lake Nockamixon

Boat Photobombing the NYC skyline

Along the Monocacy

Backside of Lake Nockamixon Dam

Burning Ice

"Lake House"

All That Remains

Stonebridge at Fry's Run Park


Wehrung Pond Fall 2015

Perkasie, Pennsylvania

Nockamixon State Park

Lehigh Valley