Post Storm Experiment

Pond - Aerial View 02

1952 Chevy Firetruck - front view

Forest Sunset

Sunset over Calera

The Long Flight Home Alt View

Train Wheel

Pond - The Fish 1 to 1 crop

mother's view

Buddy - Modified


Anatomy of a Dark Machine

GRAPHIC NOVEL DISPLAY (back corner view)

The Helm

Venus Transit

Tower minifig POV

rear view

GRAPHIC NOVEL DISPLAY (front table corner view)

View from the Bench

Blood-wet Womb / Nearing the End

Panoramic View of Student work

American Village Montevallo, Al "The citizenship Trust" 2009 May14

Presidents House Univ of Montevallo

An unexpected visitor

A small sample

Ebenezer Swamp

Montevallo, Al


The gracias teens that let me tag along for the hike to the fall. #latergram

American Village Montevallo, Al "The citizenship Trust" 2009 May14

So that those who come behind us know the good years.

Montevallo, Alabama


Montevallo, Alabama

The October Daisies Have Returned

Montevallo, Alabama

High Rock Falls - Topazed

Farmers Pond Helena, Alabama

Stoplight Trees

Wet Filter