A window with a view

Lazy Afternoon

flying aphid 6812

Sunflower Field

Butler Pennsylvania

ice Seal

Ram Carries ATV on Top of Black ATV Carrier

Ram with Black ATV Carrier Pulls a Yamaha Rhino in a Trailer

flying aphid 6809

Stevie Smith

flying aphid 6808

Butler Pennsylvania

Classy Tea

Jay Bee Circus

Butler Pennsylvania

Butler Pennsylvania

Jay Bee Circus

Jay Bee Circus

Butler Pennsylvania

Harrison Hills 1

Viaduct project

Another beautiful day in pa

Falls at Todd's

Pool break

Fog lifting

stream 6548

905 South

Todd Sanctuary

brook 5390

LIttle House

Gilpin, PA

My bliss.

kaceypics 016

Pennsylvania Corn Field

Who knows what true loneliness is - not the conventional word but the naked terror? To the lonely themselves it wears a mask. The most miserable outcast hugs some memory or some illusion. ~ Joseph Conrad

Gilpin, PA

Maple Hill

Way up on the fill

two horses wc 8411

Kristin Series

Butler Freeport Trail