Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)

Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)

Les petits chalets en hiver... / Small cabins on the riverside...

Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)

Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)

Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)

Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)

Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)

View from chapel

Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)

Under My Umbrella, Oka Beach


View from chapel

Images du printemps: le dégel... /A view of spring: Ice goes away...

The blues of winter

Mountain View

Sur le pont de l'Île-Cadieux.../ As viewed at Île-Cadieux bridge in Quebec

Clouds over Oka Park beach

Fall's Close-Up View of Oka from Hudson (99/100x)

Stargazing In The Woods

Lignes parallèles... (argentique)/ Parallel lines (film)


Un épais brouillard...(argentique) / A thick fog... (film)

Wide Stone HDR

Just a Fall Landscape (86/100x)

Le jour se lève.../ Morning is breaking...

Sunset over the lake

Grand Chevalier - Greater Yellowlegs

Ruisseau en mars... (argentique) / Creek in march... (film)

Ottawa River

À La Plage Naturiste, 2013-07-25 12.50.57

à perte de vue...

As above, so below~ #hudson #quebec #mirrorimage #stillwater #skyscape #beach #ottawariver #landscapephotography #nikon #wideangle #saturated #starseedzimages #blue


A Walk in the Woods ...

Coucher de soleil d'automne #oka #parcquebec #quebec #automne #autumn #fall #soleil #coucherdesoleil #coucherdusoleil #sunset #ciel #cielbleu #sky #bluesky #igersmtl #igersmontreal #igerscanada #awesome #awesomeshots #awesome_shots #travel #travelawesome

191 of 365 - Lac Des Deux Montagnes

Along The Bridge

Arctic landscape ... lac of two mountains

Cimetière Saint-James Hudson

On the way to Montreal