A Baldwin Beauty

Blazing Sunrise

NS 8436 on CN - 1/30/2011

"El Repus"

CN 5688 - 9/8/2010

Fox River Valley Over The Fond du Lac River

WC 6002 - 2/4/1996

Another view of Byron hill

View from above

DyNAmIc rANge

Summer Impressions 4

Curvin' (High)

CN 8819 - 2/19/2011

NS 8105 (Interstate)

wood bridge_1899pmx_tonemapped

Marbled Godwit in flight

White-faced Ibis


Bridge over the Lake HDR Tone Mapped

A Bird's View

CN 5425--A446

Ore with flare(s)

CN 3000 - 9/9/2015

Theresa Barn

CN train


Rolling Hills

Look At Me

Behind the Grass

Pure Milwaukee Road Lashup

Ponies In The Marsh

Theresa Marsh, late afternoon, mid-October

CN sand, Theresa

CN train Q199 crossing Theresa Marsh

A Tree's Reflection

They're back

New perspective on Leopard's Curve

I Spy...

Over the hill

CN grain train

Heading Home