3M Traffic Lights - Greenwood, SC

Plan #1254-D-The Silvergate


View from the second story balcony

Beware of the Alligator Topiary

summer field

garden view cliche

View from balcony


view of the college

Covered and Not

view onto the lawn

06OCT13: angles and curves


Mike & Stacey Comparing Bellies

view from the chapel hallway

Stony Point HDR



cyclamen macro

Black Swan window

Greenwood Forest

Storm Almost Here

#Filming since 7am #luvit

Grace Street Park - Greenwood, South Carolina

Lander University Greenwood, South Carolina

Many Turkeys

130825-4930 Ninety Six NHS

Cokesbury College Statue

130825-4931 Ninety Six NHS

Rainbow Over the Commons

Little Building in Hodges

Ninety-Six Historic Site-028

130825-4934 Ninety Six NHS

A Scotchmoss Army!

130825-4925 Ninety Six NHS

130825-4917 Ninety Six NHS

130825-4932 Ninety Six NHS

Star Fort Mounds

130825-4929 Ninety Six NHS

860 Island Ford Road Img265_10