Morning Rays

Ptilodon cucullina - Maple Prominent

Med-View Airline Boeing 747-400 TF-AMV

Another view of Painswick.

All our working lives.

Med-View Airline | Boeing 747-412 | TF-AMV

A Cotswold View

Erynnis tages

"I said...pull up!"

'The Dance of the Northstar' (see description)

Large Blue

'I AM......' (see description)

Light and Shade

the view

Taking In The View

Large Blue

The Cycle of Life

Red on blue

Andrena cineraria - the Ashy or Grey Mining Bee

???? CineBee vs TerraRova

Gloucestershire View.

To the left, to the left ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Autumn colours of Westonbirt

Safer together

Magpie fungi


Buttercups, Rodborough Common {126/365}

Colours of autumn

Golden Retreat

Blue Roundheads

Clustered Bonnets

Autumn colours of Westonbirt: Red

Colours of autumn

Shroom neighbourhood

The Shaggy Parasol

Multicoloured Acer

Clouded Funnels

Blue Roundheads

The Clouded Funnel

October motives: Acers of the Old Westonbirt

Autumn colours of Westonbirt