The colours of the sky

Rod Reid Nature Trail - Burns Lake

Evenshen and Rod Reid Nature Trails

Misty Morning

2014-08-08 13.07.19

Ferry Ride on Francois Lake

BC Vacation 2016-07-19 010

Foggy lake - Reflection 52/52

BC Vacation 2016-07-19 004

BC Vacation 2016-07-19 013

BC Vacation 2016-07-23 004

BC Vacation 2016-07-23 014

BC Vacation 2016-07-23 012

BC Vacation 2016-07-23 034

BC Vacation 2016-07-23 041

BC Vacation 2016-07-19 024

BC Vacation 2016-07-19 029

BC Vacation 2016-07-19 031

2015-05-05 10.07.02

Greater White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons)

The Main Thing concert in Burns Lake

2014-08-08 14.27.04

2014-08-08 15.23.44