The Boathouse

Creamsicle Clouds

Sinea spinipes

Under the Bridge (Sunrise Edition)

Seeing Eye to Eye

Spicebush Swallowtail - - Papilio troilus

Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa) Female?

Dig those mouthparts

Busy Bee

"He made the stars also."

Robber fly on guy...

Monarch Goodness

The view from Bonsal, a sight familiar to many local cyclists. #todaysride

Upside down Swallowtail

Morning Thunder 1

Wasp mimic--lateral view

Busy Bee!

Flutterby Friday

Tiny velvet ant

Happy Arachtober 31!

Snowberry Clearwing Moth - Hemaris diffinis

it's your love

The lake on a calm Spring morn

Morning colors

???? Nothing but blue skies do I see...️⛳

Autumn oh Autumn

Lake Reflection 1 (25JUN13)

Yates Mill Pond-4274

Mother Ship - Cary, NC

4Df 13MAR15

Peaceful evening

I enjoy watching others enjoy the free gifts of life

:: subdued ::

Reflections at Lake Jordan

#pretty #evil at the #ncma #instawalkraleigh #instameetraleigh

#lost in a #landscape of #light and #lines.

Nature's Stripes

The greening season

The photographer

Summer festival

Pastel Sky