
Relax and enjoy the view

Batu City at Night

KD's World Tour: Batu


View from Arjuno Summit

KD's World Tour: Batu

Kota Batu Panorama

Arjuno Summit with View of Welirang

"Behind the clouds, the sun still shines", they said. ???????? . Bangun subuh-subuh buat summit attack Arjuno. Jam 5 berangkat dari camp di Pondokan, ngintip sunrise di Lembah Kidang, enjoy view Alas Lali Jiwo, hutan pinus, puncak bayangan, mem

Kota Batu Panorama

#Adventure is always calling. The question is, "will you go?" ???????? #letsgetlost . . Ala-ala di Kalibiru ya~ Bisa jadi alternatif kalo pengen cari udara seger, view ijo royo-royo plus orang-orang yang beterbangan naik paralayang. ????

Place i'd rather be right now. ???????? . Good morning selamat pagi! ☕️ Kangen duduk santai sama si ????, kena semilir-semilir angin sambil liat ijoijo plus view cakep kota Batu~???????? . . Location: Omah Kayu, Ba

The view is always better from the top, but never forget that the wind is stronger! #lifelessons ???? . Enjoying Mt. Banyak view from the paraglide~ ⛰✨ . Location: Mt. Banyak, Batu-East Java, Indonesia.

View from below Welirang

view gunung #arjuna dari dusun sabrangbendo, desa giripurno, kecamatan bumiaji, kota wisata batu #project #hotel #resort #instanusantara

View Sebelum Puncak

Giant Wheel

view from the north

Grand view from our balcony

The cottages: drawing from the landscape to provide views, unique amenity, and microclimatic benefits are located around and within a lagoon and agricurtural plantations #project #villa #instanusantara

River of manten falls

Jambuluwuk - in explore

Manten (Wedding) falls, left falls

Forest Deep

The Path In The Forest

Darkness and silence change the hardness of life

Over The Cliff

Volcan Bromo en la isla de Java

Coban Talun

Coban Rondo Waterfall

In The Middle Of Tea Plantation

Going Under

Mt Kawi

Kusuma Agrowisata Waterpark

Don't listen to what they say. Go, see! Because it's better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times, right? ???????? #1dayescape @deteksi_jp . . Captured by: antara @hendripan atau @dennisdiharjaya ????:two_men_holding_h

Coban Sewu waterfall

The Arjuna

When in doubt, take a hike! ???????????? . Location: Mt. Arjuno, East Java, Indonesia.