Wycheproof Wanderer
Signs of the times
View from Mt Wycheproof
Wycheproof GEB siding
Running down the Main St at Wycheproof
Running down the Main St at Wycheproof
N472, T356 and A2 986 at Wycheproof
Running down the Main St at Wycheproof
Main street at Wycheproof
Main street at Wycheproof
Main street at Wycheproof
Entering the main st at Wycheproof
Entering the main st at Wycheproof
AWB Grainflow at Charlton
A2 986 departing Wycheproof
AWB Grainflow at Charlton
A2 986 departing Wycheproof
N472, T356 and A2 986 at Wycheproof
N472, T356 and A2 986 at Wycheproof
A2 986 departing Wycheproof
N472, T356 and A2 986 at Wycheproof
Black tailed-native hens obvserved in flocks at many of the Wimmer mallee Wetlands. Here they are viewed at Chirrup Swamp (Photo North Central CMA)
Country Road
R737 Running Around Special
R737 Running Around Special Train
Stanley Prater & Son
Wycheproof from Mt Wycheproof
Looking East from Mt Wycheproof, with the Road to Boort
N472 'City of Sale', T356, A2 986 'Spirit of Warragul' 8199, B76, B74 'J A Hearsch' 9178
Wychieproof victoria
Wychieproof victoria
Wychieproof victoria
Wychieproof victoria
B76 and B74 at AWB Grainflow, Charlton
Wychieproof victoria
Wychieproof victoria
Wychieproof victoria
Wychieproof victoria