Glastonbury View

A View Up Vicar's Close, Wells

Frosty Somerset Morning

Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary - Boloria selene

Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus

Marbled White - Melanargia galathea

Bearded Reedling ~ Panurus biarmicus

Ashton windmill sunset

Young Grasshopper nymph

Ruins through the Arch

Red Soldier Beetle - Rhagonycha fulva

Great white egret ~ Ardea alba

Greylag geese

Small Skipper - Thymelicus sylvestris

Orange Tip - Anthocaris cardamines

Stockhill Wood No.3

Glastonbury's Golden Hour

Marsh Fly - Coremacera marginata

Large skipper ~ Ochlodes sylvanus

Wells Cathedral

Hoverfly - Xanthogramma citrofasciatum

Mirror Mirror

'Clouds Gather' (see description)

Wheat and Light

Glastonbury Tor

Wells Cathedral

Glastonbury Tor

Wells IR

Hay Bales

To Heaven

Wells Cathedral

Bishops Palace, Wells

Time To Reflect


Vicar's Close

Vicars Close

Swans & Cygnet, Ham Wall

Mendip Hills Sunset

Golden Field

The Misty Somerset Levels, from Deerleap.