reflection II

White-throated Sparrows (Still from a video)

Northern Mockingbird

Long-Tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis)

only the beginning

Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus)

Long-Tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis)

One room school house at the Gourdneck Prairie Cemetery

Northern Mockingbird

Long-Tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis)

Long-Tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis)

Long-Tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis)

Long-Tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis)

Bass - Lengthy Encounter

One room school house at the Gourdneck Prairie Cemetery

Long-Tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis)

Red-Breasted Merganser (Mergus serrator)

Long-Tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis)

Long-Tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis)

231/365: The Perfect Sunset

Blinded by the Light (215/365)

Hidden Oaks Nature Sanctuary

Vicksburg, Michigan

Tunnel of trees

Autumn forest.

Swainson's Thrush

Autumn forest.

Autumn forest.

Sometimes you just have to stop and take pictures of the clouds.

Center Pivot Irrigator

Memories and dreams

Solitary Sandpiper

Lincoln's Sparrow

Fogginess in the Hidden Marsh

Fall comes to farm country

Langley Covered Bridge

Langley Covered Bridge

With skies like this how can you take a bad picture?

At Home

Sue Silliman House Museum

Mystical River

Truly, a Brown CREEPER