Abbruchgrundstück Donawitz

blick auf leoben 2009

a somewhat different view

orchid with an early morning view

who wouldn't like this place

the first sun rays

street above and below

hike Leoben - Kletschachkogel 102

barebottoms amphibious neoprene

View to Niklasdorf, Bruck an der Mur and Kapfenberg

From Goesseck

Panoramic view from the Reichenstein

lake view

Hauptplatz Leoben

View of the Erzberg


Mountain view

TV/radio tower at Mugel

Views from Maßenburg, Leoben, Austria

Pestsäule Leoben

Views from Maßenburg, Leoben, Austria

small mountain chapel in styrian autumn landscape

"twayblade monophyllos"

Nigritella land

Admonter Reichenstein, Sparafeld, Admonter Kaibling

Nigritellas Paradies

A great day goes towards an end

a secret spot

Winter Wonderland.


St. Marein-Feistritz Chapter I


97 201-97-209 Vordenberg Markt 5.72

Leoben, Reiting

ÖBB 1144 073 + 1142 658 Niklasdorf

Leave yourself behind

ÖBB 1144 059 + 1144 095 Niklasdorf

Kaiserschild and others

Mama + baby