Howe Caverns Motorcycle: Front View

CP 4715 West Richmondville meet

7322 on Richmondville Hill

earth's view 1

library heart

view from south hill


earth's view 3

skipping stones in the winter

Mmmm ice storm

wasps weave paper patterns

Cobleskill, NY

Howe Caverns Motorcycle: Rear View

looking north

a tapping in the woods

earth's view 2

The view from the back deck.

View from the Howe Cavern Motel


The Pipe Organ Up Close

blinking yellow ball . 342.366

misty morning geese

On a beautiful couldy day - Howes Cave, Catskill Mountains, NY

bridal altar 02

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New footbridge in the Patria State Forest

Golden path

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Misty Fields

ridge road

Howe CavernsIMG_6819 copy

Every Way

jaws again

Cavern: Stalagmites and Stalactites

Rock Formations at Howe Caverns Part 2

In the shallows

Into the Deep

ceiling 02

Calcium Deposits

Howe Caverns

The Beautiful Scenery Above Howe Caverns
