7 puppies running foot race!

Death and Daughter


Grabstätte 1921

Grabstätte moderne Skulptur

10 weeks Red &White Havanese Puppy going to a new home!

Green cave


I love you neighbor !

unknown, no birthday only dying day

Burial ground in light

Lola the Chiwawa!

reflections of holte schloß

Lola the Chiwawa!

Google Streetview Car in Germany

Worldcup 2010 - Germany vs. England 4:1

Worldcup 2010 - Germany vs. England 4:1

Schloß Holte

Worldcup 2010 - Germany vs. England 4:1

A Butcher's Liaison

Worldcup 2010 - Germany vs. England 4:1

beautiful nature ..

Mystical place...

Driving home...

Autumn Alley.

226 // 365 - Morning mood // Morgenstimmung

Am Baum

Magic Morning (13/14)


the sky is the limit

Naturschutzgebiet Steinhorster Becken

Spätsommer am Steinhorster Becken

Auf der ausgelagerten Terasse chillaxen ...

Sonnenuntergang in Immeldorf III

Sunset Steinhorster Becken

Magic Morning (3/14)

Rotkehlchen (Erithacus rubecula) am winterlichen Teich

End of day, nearly end of year.

Jetzt wird's aber richtig herbstlich ...

Soirée de printemps

Teutoburger Wald in Winter