A Tuesday Morning in Dubuque

Dubuque Iowa

Close encounter

Dubuque kid and his dog

Vanishing Vanishing Point

Mt Carmel

167/366 - Twilight over Dubuque

57 years young....

Quite a party last night

tower motel

Lock and Dam 11 002

The Big River

Dubuque Star Brew'g Co.

Gated Flatulence

dottie's cafe

Fall at the Fenelon Cable Car, Dubuque

Dazzling devotion

Rolling past the "depot"

Shot Tower & IC Bridge

lilies, at the grotto

Take your time at the top . Enjoy the fine View !


Frosty Landscape

Fenelon Elevator, Dubuque, Iowa

CNA 9626

TOMRV 40 Day 2

Lock and Dam #11

Acgo Allis Making hay

Still Sunrise

Tranquil Crossing


Allis Chalmers D17 Raking Hay


Wisconsin Road Trip

Lock and Dam no. 11, Dubuque, IA (US Army Corps of Engineers)

Iiiiiiiiiiits post time! #dubuque

Weekend away 2011-08-05 203340 On the Mississippi in Dubuque Iowa

Mississippi River Sunrise

Lower Dubuque from Fenelon Cable Car, Iowa

Yuletide Dusk

A melting Mississippi River! #dubuque #mississippiriver #landscape #winter #snow
