Town Hall, Wellington, Ohio USA
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Wellington Reservation
Always Colorful
Ceiling Abstract
Wellington Leviathan 63 4-19-14 1194
View from the Northeast
Abandoned Railroad Space
Passionate Rose Bud (View Large) (Supposedly Made Explore)
Sturdy and Majestic
Winding Hopper Cars
"Untangling Threads: Women Artisans in Morocco's Rug Weaving Industry" at FAVA
Common Ground Zip-line Canopy Tour
Common Ground Zip-line Canopy Tour
View of tower spire of Peters Hall, Oberlin College in 1933
Aladdin’s Eatery in Oberlin
Aladdin’s Eatery in Oberlin
Common Ground Zip-line Canopy Tour
Pine Cones
Thorn MTB Trail at Findley State Park
Common Ground Zip-line Canopy Tour
Common Ground Zip-line Canopy Tour
Wellington Ohio Town Hall
In His Wake
Findley State Park
Heartland Sunrise
before class
Crazy Sky
ginkgo leaves
Natures Fence
Willow Tails
Late March in Oberlin
autumn fields
Amy was here.
Manifest Freight EB in Wellington