Cardinal Virtue

Earth and Water

View Dew

Arachne, the Weaver

Cringeing Spider, Hungry Heron

Two-Stripe Grasshopper

How Many Legs on a Spider? 5/5

How Many Legs on a Spider? 4/5

le mystère de l'avenir

night lights

Views from the 6ix.

darck corner

Ceci n'est pas un bâtiment

SFP-View to Galleria-2020

gentle day

CityWestPlace - Building 1 Lobby Entrance View

Meet at Eureka

Galleria View

I've Looked At Clouds...

Bear Creek Forest in IR


Bayou ran over its banks

Bright New Year

Sundown on the bayou

Dark Garden


Gerald D. Hines Waterwall Park - Houston, Texas

Memorial Trees, Study 2

Walking Tesuque Creek Trail

Houston Galleria Area Skyline 5 - Schlumberger and Marathon Oil

Fall Around The Edges II

Houston Skyline Over Eleanor Tinsley Park

Above South Blvd No. 12

Uptown Houston Skyline

Galleria Area Skyline-Aerial-March 2019-Mabry Campbell

Hwy 96 New Mexico No. 4

Sts Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church at Dubina Panorama

Rising Sun Fallen Tree

Houston Galleria Area Skyline 3

Toronto Skyline - Toronto Railway Museum 3
