BN SD9 6127 Blue Island, IL

Dixmoor Rust-A-Rama

Old school Homewood

803 at Lunch

Junction (Wide View)

2011-09-25 15.27.41

2011-09-25 15.28.15

2011-04-05 11.05.40

2011-06-12 11.13.37

Lonely beams

Dixie Square Mall Mongomery Ward Address from Slide Projector Box

Over The Sag


2011-07-10 20.05.21

2011-06-12 11.14.23

2011-06-05 13.21.58

Simply red

2011-08-07 17.31.14

2011-04-26 18.45.55

2011-04-26 18.46.09

2011-07-13 06.18.09

Entering Lake Calumet

Orland Grasslands

Chicago, IL - September 2015

Walking through the woods

Stony Island seclusion

Wildlife 83 Jan 7 2012

Evening walk in the woods

sparkling 12 spot

Sunrise 2588


The Landscape of the Far South Side - Chicago - 09 DEC 2014 - 036

"Make Every Moment Count: Love Capturing the #Sunset 2.1."- Title Happy #FathersDay & #SummerSolstice enjoy Summer to the fullest before it's gone. #Adventure #MI #LakeMichigan #SunRise #MI #Michigan #Photograph #Photo #Artist #ArtFido #Art #Sun #Light #

october 4th at turtlehead lake. 2013

harry bus yourell water aeration plant. december 2014

cold steel

sweetflag with lunch

horsetail lake. may 2014

A magnificent tree along the bike path

Growing at LK 223

Butterfly 9 May 2 2012

Iowa Interstate 710