Gibson County, TN Courthouse - Trenton, TN

Crockett County Courthouse (corner view) - Alamo, TN

Gibson County Courthouse corner view - Trenton, TN

Crockett County Courthouse (vertical front view) - Alamo, TN

Crockett County, TN Courthouse - Alamo, TN

Field and Silo Dusk

Clouds over a wheat field-HDR

Field and Silo Day

Golden Wheat and the Silo

Jackson's Grocery

Royal Crown Cola

Spring Hill Baptist Church

The greenest #CNG station in TN is now open in Trenton, TN! #CNG Across TN Rally #natgas #HD #MD #LD #green #mobility #transportation #naturalgas #AmericanFuel #America #cleaner #CleanerAir #NGVs @ivyfultz @_greg_roth_ @nctcogtrans @nccleantech

#American flags rule at today's Trenton stop for the "#CNG Across TN" Rally! #natgas #HD #MD #LD #green #mobility #transportation #naturalgas #AmericanFuel #America #cleaner #CleanerAir @ivyfultz @tnenvironment

Pat Riley & Mike Batten show how you fuel an #NGV - #CNG Across TN @tnenvironment @ivyfultz

#CNG Across TN Rally continues in Trenton today w/grand opening of station! #natgas @ivyfultz @tngasassoc @NGTNews #american #energy

Saucer Magnolia

Purple and Green

Crockett County Courthouse - Alamo, TN

Crockett County Courthouse (name at dusk) - Alamo, TN

Crockett County Courthouse (Rear addition) - Alamo, TN

Mobile & Ohio Passenger Depot - Trenton, TN

Teapot Number 524

Teapot number 239

Teapot number 243

Teapot number 241